A well kept secret is the fact that young

  • A well kept secret is the fact that young children can directly influence the world around them, only as they grow and are taught that such things are make-believe do they stop.
  • One such child, however, was not convinced with this sudden crushing of dreams. Fitzwilliam was determined to influence his teacher and classmates that he was superior to them, and
  • so he started a course in telepathy. Fitzwilliam locked himself in his closet, trying to focus his mind until he would have his teacher and classmates under his control. At first
  • it was a little creepy being in the closet with the skeleton from science class but then it moved. Fitzwilliam reached for his jacket and put it over his head. Change fell out of
  • the pockets. The skeleton chattered, "Arr.. Have ye more o'them doubloons." Willy hoped Teacher had no more skeletons in his closet. A voice hissed, "What's it got in its pocketses
  • it what its got in its pantelones." Willy had the willies now."What's taking so long, Willie?"Teacher called from the classroom.But the skeleton in Teacher's closet had a secret to
  • o. The elephant in the room was that the skeleton in the teacher's closet was gay. Once the skeleton came out of the closet and declared his love for Willy's willy we all thought
  • that inter-species homosexuality was not such a far-fetched idea after all. The class went home feeling invigorated with this new understanding of the world, leaving a lot of pets
  • in very vulnerable positions. At least until the childrens' parents returned home and beat some sense into them.
  • The children then took their frustrations out on dogs underfoot and the dogs snarled after assorted cats who frightened bubonic rats from the warrens into the households of men.


  1. SlimWhitman May 25 2015 @ 11:06

    You see where attempts at mindcontrol get you?

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