It was a chilly winter morning and I was

  • It was a chilly winter morning and I was preparing to leave.
  • And I meant to leave for good. I'd spent a whole winter with Kuruk in the musty dank cave & had scratch marks on my face & stank like, well like you would if you slept with a bear.
  • I slept bare with that bear...and I liked it. I felt all snuggly and cozy wrapped up in his massive arms there in that cave in Kuruk. When spring came, though, I had to get back to
  • my old responsibilities and my family. I couldn't be throwing it all away based on a fantasy I'd constructed of a large, furry omnivore. I wept bitterly for my sacrifice and
  • my now accursed credit score. I'd created this giant furry omnivore and mortgaged my kids' future and the family home. But, on the bright side, I now had this crazy hairy animal t
  • o cuddle now the nights were drawing in. I released the giant furry omnivore to wreak havoc on credit rating agencies in the attempt to improve my score. But the curse was strong
  • , too strong to allow me to get back my credit, blowing the furry omnivore to the other side of the room and whisking the credit papers into the air. They landed in the hands of
  • My boss, who was 6'6.
  • He always wore short pants that hardly reached his ankles and thick white socks. His belly was protruding through a shirt that was missing a few buttons and used to be white...
  • but now was gray with the grime of time. He had done as well as he could along the way. He didn't like being shunned, but he guessed those people didn't know any better, not yet.


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