Doug had been playing online games in his

  • Doug had been playing online games in his mother's basement for the last 10 yrs. When she died he had no choice but to face real life. He started by watching POV videos.of
  • people walking. He studied their movement patterns and the way they interacted with strangers. He found it downright fascinating. Finally the day came where he decided he was ready
  • to face the fact that everyone on Earth except him had had a stroke. They all moved so oddly, so droopy. No one could understand him and when he smiled they just grimaced. He went
  • around and said "hello" to all the people who had a stroke, and they would just grunt. One man with a half-melted face slapped him, and a lady with a dog-like face hit him with her
  • oxygen tank, then ran over him with her wheelchair. All the stroke patients thought it was hilarious. Nurses ran around the corner to see what the hubbub was about & found him bloo
  • dy on the ground, gasping for air. The nurses hurried to his side and quickly attended to him right then and there. Then the patients started to realize that it wasn't a laughing
  • gas tank, no no no, it was a mustard gas tank. Sizzling eyes, bubbling flesh and wild shrieks ricocheted off the walls. It was a bloodbath. The doctor was Himmler. Revenge.
  • Dr. Himmler disguised himself as a rugrat and this allowed him to escape under the carpet when suspected of murder. Goering knew about this and provided the distraction of revenge.
  • Or so he thought. Those who live with it know revenge brooks no distractions. Vengeance sees only opportunities & expiation. Without that, no atonement can be had. Vengeance waits.
  • Vengeance sleeps. Vengeance goes on vacation and forgets its diet. Vengeance gets flabby. Vengeance blames it on middle age. And Vengeance eventually dies, knowing it was no use.


  1. Woab Aug 16 2016 @ 10:54

    This one is kind of amazingly cohesive.

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