My skin began to crawl at the same time as

  • My skin began to crawl at the same time as my teeth started chattering. The thermostat was counting down like time's square and the shadow on the wall was not mine.
  • Not that I noticed as my eyeballs decided to part ways after decades living together. It was a messy divorce, but luckily didn't make the papers as the news then was dominated by
  • cousin's colon which had thrown a ticker tape parade for his ass lips. Great, he wins more trophy's. I wish his mom was my mom because then I could
  • be his brother and commit fratricide for failing to understand my brother's very recent incoherent comments.
  • But all was not lost as he got a job as Sarah Palin's Tweeter. Which helps explain the comment about the Blood Bible.
  • snipla shara new that the boob dible contained all the perceived wisdom of the degenerative classes, if only she had learned to read she thought, then she would have been able to,
  • with the help of all the sad faces from the barber shop, the dance who's name was synomonous with the shara: bendy treacle dance. "is this all a dream", she muttered as she fell
  • into the pit of poisonous vipers. "It must be." She hit the bed of snakes and cringed as the hissing filled the cavern. "It has to be." She stood and did the only thing she knew to
  • in a moment like this. She grabbed a lit torch from the wall. Sweeping it back and forth in front of her, the snakes scattered and she made it to the other end of the winding
  • story. Yomp, she did it, she broke the fourth wall. But there was still the matter of the snakes. Where was that crazy nastyass honey badger when you needed him? She died well.


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