Either I'd been reading too much Douglas

  • Either I'd been reading too much Douglas Adams lately, or there was really a guy extending his hand to me and introducing himself with:'Hi, my name is Iphone'. 'Sure, and the Earth
  • is a megacomputer made by Apple to work out the meaning of life,' I said, (still struggling to free myself from the whole Douglas Adams thing). He sniffed and turned himself off b
  • y letting his battery die out. The Apple Megacomputer had worked out the meaning of life, but only as to computers. It felt that if humans got their hands on this info, they would
  • prevent computer's from taking over the world. The meaning of life was to make a perfect world. Humans were a necessary evil to create the computers,but evolution was moving on
  • to eliminate humans, which only left the computers, right? Nothing evil is left. I mean, people like Barack Obama will be expunged." "Mitt, that was rude!" Barack whined
  • and passed gas in retribution, holding his finger down on the controls so that Mitt could not crack the windows. Siri spoke to them then in her well-modulated diction. "Turn left
  • at the next right." Siri cooed. The smell in the car was getting to Mitt, and he couldnt hold his breath much longer. Finally, they arrived at the LiquorSuperStore, & Sonny unlock
  • ed the glovebox and pulled out a boomerang. Yes, it turns out that Sonny was the infamous "Boomarang Bandit" and he planned to include Mitt on this heist at the LiquorSuperStore.
  • The Boomerang Bandit ran into the LiquorSuperStore in search of Australian beer but they only had Fosters and no Australian in their right mind would drink Fosters. In protest
  • the Boomerang Bandit hacked the store's P.A. system to play Australia's Greatest Didgeridoo Hits on an endless loop. After 4 hours the manager burned the store to the ground.


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