I am so happy i am not a freshmen this year

  • I am so happy i am not a freshmen this year :)
  • The Siamese twin separation surgery was a huge success - now I was a singular sophomore. Unfortunately, my twin got to keep the brain. "Jimmy, what's the capital of Ghana?" "Uh..."
  • "Ria?" Nope, that wasn't it, but I was still plenty popular. "If you have no brain, then trust your instincts. Never give up." But my twin was the one to romance me, not vice
  • president Biden who had a weird addiction to the youtube videos of "the world's longest cat." I wasn't my evil twin Ria. I'd never go for 'ol Joe. I'm more of a flare
  • that goes out when you least expect it. Flavor Flav knew what time it was, so he told Biden, who couldn't seem to comprehend what the tongs were for. But at least it was on youtube
  • . Flavor Flav decided it was time to show Biden all the useful qualities of tongs. He demonstrated to Biden they could be used for castration for instance. Biden screamed until his
  • ... I removed my ear piece. What is good quality music? In my day you could actually hear the lyrics without the sound of guy being castrated. Where's Ragtime?
  • I bet somebody has sampled it and remixed it so that if you heard it within a new tune you wouldn't even recognise it without listening carefully. The beauty of electronica is that
  • the non-human precision of the bass means its frequency is ideally suited for shifting baked on dirt in, eg., a microwave oven and dogs are guaranteed to howl. Electronica
  • is magically & mysteriously subtle, the music able to entertain as well as bake potatoes. Everybody come on over to my place tonight for dancing & dinner? I'll even make toast!


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