What up people

  • What up people
  • of the Freaksville? It's me, your ambassador, returning from the Isolated World. I have brought some news for you. Some of them had found their way into the freakiness stage and we
  • need to be there to help them blossom into true Freaks before those idiots from Funkytown show up again and steal our new cult, er, club members. Who wants to get Freaky-deaky!
  • All the novices raised their hands. "We do. We do." Deacon Darvy spun around on stage wearing his trademark white bell bottoms "It's Freaky Friday my fibulating fanatics! Are you
  • dumb and rich?" Deacon Darvy waited for an answer. He cupped his ear. He was hoping the answer was "Yes." He wanted to really fleece the hell out of his congregation so he could
  • remove his sheep's clothing and reveal his true nature. But they weren't called a flock for nothing. The congregation was so used to having Deacon Davy think for them, that they
  • started calling him up in the middle of night asking for advice on literally everything. It had gone too far Deacon Dacy needed a new fresh face to dump their inane inquiries on
  • and that new fresh face belonged to Ellen Degeneres. Ellen handled all inquiries by staring blankly with her bright blue eyes until the audience laughed. This worked for a while,
  • Until the somnorant music stopped and was replaced by something else. Ellen woke up too, wondering why the Victrola suddenly stopped working. The RCA mascot told her to replace it.
  • Ellen took a moment to compose her response to the RCA mascot. "No, not this time around. Vision and Sound might be guiding and manipulating us, but literature is where it's at."


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