The rattle of the container gave me enough

  • The rattle of the container gave me enough confidence to run across the lawn, slide behind the wheel of the El, and hit the gas. I knew from experience that I could make it to
  • the car from the house in around 3 seconds flat in the raw--but this was an emergency. In the rear-view mirror I could see the attacker's truck. What did he want? Did he admire my
  • sausage gravy this much? It had won the Hattiesburg chicken fried steak contest, but was it worth risking a murder charge? I tucked the recipe in my baby's diaper for
  • a quick and cheap diaper liner. I still needed one for the girl twin. I'd always tried to raise Sam and Ella fairly, and so felt they both should have their own chicken recipe
  • for UnThanksgiving supper. Sam and Ella would each help with a chicken and we'd have some sashimi, teriyaki noodles, steamed artichokes, and horseradish gingerbread dumplings for
  • starters before moving on to bear stuffed with alligator babies and tortoise egg soup . I was looking forward to the endangered species course the most. On Sam's safari they'd
  • had pickled Dodo eggs, fricasseed Californian Condor, basted Tasmanian Devil, roasted Sumatran Rhinoceros. The final delight was
  • fermented Zebra trotters, not knowing how to attack this new arrival, I glanced at my neighbour who looked green in the face. Bad timing, a swosh of vomit came straight at me
  • and passed me by completely. He apologized profusely, but I understood given the alcoholic striped equines running around; it would be enough to make anyone sick.
  • I wanted to get off this rampaging merry-go-round and grab the brass ring, but the carnival barker was asleep at the wheel. The vertigo sunk into my very soul. (very symbolic)


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