Two men, one short and one tall, sit in a

  • Two men, one short and one tall, sit in a desert. They wear bowler hats and there is a lone tree in the foreground. The tall man says, "The bus should have been here by now."
  • I walk across the desert road to a candy machine. Just as I grab my Zero Bar, the bus picks up my friend and leaves me behind. The candy makes me thirsty, and this is the desert.
  • With heat and the candy an all, I started getting a little parched. I turned to Bear and said, "Hey man, I'm thirsty. Got anything to drink." Bear had his pants off and was
  • more than happy to fill up a frothy mug of warm pungent bear punch. It's the best after pounding gummi bears & sour worms. I felt a great bubble of gas building in my ruminant-like
  • hind-quarters. So, I deep-sixed the bear-punch and high-tailed it over to my high-rise to get some much needed R-n-R.
  • I walked up 24 floors as the lift was broken. Once in, I realised I'd forgotten to buy milk. I needed coffee so I unfurled a banner from the window saying 'BRING MILK NOW!' Then
  • the most udderly amazing thing happened. Bessie the SuperCow personally delivered fresh milk right to my window. Then she turned & flew right back out my window. I watched her cape
  • billow gloriously in the wind as Bessie the flying SuperCow careened off-course, crashing into the windmill and then crushing two ducks and a chicken upon landing. I spewed milk
  • onto the bare, cold ground before me. This was turning out to be the worst of the worst days ever imaginable. If only
  • I hadn't eaten from the cold, cold plate of revenge! Or not taken that learning annex class on flyfishing! And I definitely should not have had the shrimp. Oh why God, why!


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