Once he took the tube from the centrifuge,

  • Once he took the tube from the centrifuge, he knew at once what was wrong with the man's blood. Turning to him, he said in his gravest voice, "I'm sorry, sir, but I'm afraid that
  • blood is a specialized bodily fluid that delivers nutrients and oxygen to the cells and transports metabolic waste products away from those, and you have none.
  • "Oh! Thank you Mr Wikipedia for your opinion about MY body. Well let me tell you that I have more blood and guts in my little finger than you have in your little finger. And anothe
  • r thing, I just can't stand it when you.... Hey wait, is that candy corn you got there? Gimme some & I'll forgive you. Yes, the whole bag." Mr. Wikipedia hung his head and obeyed.
  • Hours later, Mr. Wikipedia was still sulking. After he went home, he randomly opened Wikipedia articles with some connection to that bully who had harassed him and vandalized them.
  • And of course, someone reported him to the Administrator's Notice Board for repeated vandalism, wiki-stalking and a whole bunch of other virtual crimes, and Mr. Wikipedia was soon
  • behind bars. But they didn't count on him using a fundraiser to get bail money. "If everyone reading this fold donated three dollars, I would be out of jail in less than one hour".
  • He overestimated the popularity of his fold & languishing in prison for weeks. In desperation he wrote the following on his last cigarette paper & passed it to the next cell, ""
  • If something happens to me, I beg you to take over my FoldingStory.com account. My login is CreativCriminal and my password is ESCAPE. It is my legacy." The guy in the next cell
  • accepted the note and stowed it in the safest place he knew. It's best if if you don't know more. What matters is that the author's legacy is safe now. Yes, I changed the password.


  1. SlimWhitman Jun 05 2015 @ 04:07

    I think eventually the note might ESCAPE.

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