Beyonce's Nipples Costume Kicks Off Concert

  • Beyonce's Nipples Costume Kicks Off Concert Tour (PHOTOS). Brain Research, as Only Vegas Can. A reality TV Mars landing may be silly, but at least its on the right track. Alien
  • junk journalism at its best, thought the editor of The Martian Sun Times, Tharkas Zad. Why martians were so enamored by earthling celebrities, he'd never understand, but Tharkas
  • Zad had air conditioning bills to pay. If Mars was anything, Mars was extremely hot. Tharkas Zad supplied the gossip junkies what they wanted until he happened upon a real story.
  • Pure, uncut scandal. Turns out the King of Mars was an earthling with blue face paint. Tharkas Zad pumped up the A/C as he watched the king's head roll down Olympus Mons. Gravity?
  • "We don't need no stinking Gravity", they said as they shot their phasers erratically in the space station and flaunted their Gravity defying religion in our faces.
  • A bolt from one of the Anti-Gravity cultist's phasers seared its way through my best friend's face, leaving a melted, gaping hole clear through his head where his face once was.
  • He had a very thick skull, which somehow remained intact even though his entire face area was blown clear through by the Anti-Gravs. I knew I had to seek revenge on them and jumped
  • rope in time to Sylvester Stallone who was training hard for his upcoming bout with Clubber. When I felt my leg muscles had grown enough, I turned to face the nuke wielding aliens.
  • I saw the aliens had also been building their leg muscles. Mine were downright puny in comparison. However, I had bigger nukes, and I blew their alien asses to smithereens. Now the
  • World was free from those buggy-eyed, steroid-using, Martian bastards.; it truly was Independence Day. Things went back to normal: Trump called it his greatest accomplishment.


  1. LordVacuity Dec 29 2019 @ 11:10

    Starts off with a reality show, ends with a reality show President.

  2. Woab Dec 30 2019 @ 14:37

    Yeah, kinda like this past decade. Whew.

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