
  • abcdefghijklmnopqrsšzžtuvwõäöü
  • "God Bless You!" I had just said god bless you to my imaginary, but sneezing friend, Bernie. My god bless you was the only thing heard in the quiet test-taking room.
  • I really hope I get my GED this time around. 3rd time's the charm right? Damn geography, I only know West Virginia. My Sister/wife is from the town of
  • Bluefield, named ironically for its placement on a giant dirty stone mountain. We'd met once when we were three and we were twins, but I went with Dad and she with mother-in-law.
  • But then the dirty mountain was hiding a secret. Deep beneath its filthy granite was a vein of gold as thick as a Samoan arm. Just as he was walking back with the gold in his
  • satchel, he saw, in the distance, another prospector making his way to the foothills. "Word travels fast," he thought, and slipped behind the bushes to await his prey. The crackle
  • of his gun was the last thing the other prospector heard. "But not as fast as bullets," he said, as
  • he ended the other man's troubles, dreams, and everything in between with one squeeze of the trigger. The 49er sat down in the dirt, thinking about his next move. When he looked up
  • he saw a glimmer of hope. On second look, it was really a glimmer of
  • the tears washing his eyes.And on those eyes he could see all that could have been and all he hoped it would be when his existence would finaly be justified.


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