
  • Carnivorous
  • pumpkins would finally have their revenge this year. They would see who would make a pie of whom. They bided their time among the other pumpkins in the
  • 3rd grade classroom, their lust for daring little hands naught but insatiable. Queen Pumpkin the Fleshmangler had printed out meat pie recipes the night before. "My Pumpkins, today
  • are filled with a certain wife of a very well known pumpkin eater." Said Queen Pumpkin. The Muppet Babies were not going to take this lying down. They had to kill her but how?
  • With a magical quadicorn, who ate butterflies and trampled royalty. They decided to use the quadicorn to use its horns for the
  • backyard mowing and hedge trimming. The quadicorn didn't quite grasp the concept, however, & at the queen-elect's 87th annual birthday, it ate the royal butterfly nobility. "This
  • Creature is descended from the trilobytes, Dr. Zook told the class in the Science department of Queensland University.the trilobytes were able to use their tentacles to extract
  • zero-point-energy from the quantum vacuum. Thus fortified the trilobites raced up the evolutionary tree & hopped off in present day Australia. Dr Zook screamed & pointed. The class
  • of biology students turned to look. Uluru was moving propelled by great articulated legs emerging from its sides. The trilobite bore down on their camper as Dr.Zook floored the gas
  • & set the exhaust pipe to 'missile' mode. Before he could fire, a student tackled him to save the last trilobite in existence. Uluru saw the wreckage: "My day for thumbing a ride."


  1. BlastedHeath Mar 26 2016 @ 20:18

    Trilobites are one of my totem animals.

  2. SlimWhitman Mar 27 2016 @ 18:23

    I can understand that. How long have humans been here? 200,000 yrs? Trilobites lasted 250 Million yrs. Respect.

  3. IceSquad Mar 28 2016 @ 01:21

    A closeup of Uluru. You can see the imperative to come to his rescue. http://glendonmellow.deviantart.com/art/Trilobite-Boy-detail-184174775

  4. SlimWhitman Mar 29 2016 @ 04:15

    Triloboy? http://foldingstory.com/67pbm/

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