It was a choice of living life to the fullest,

  • It was a choice of living life to the fullest, seizing the day, or watching a "Heroes" marathon on Netflix with a bottle of Mountain Dew Code Red and a bag of Flamin' Hot Cheetos.
  • I achieved respectability by upgrading to Diet Code Red. Ah, "Save the cheerleader, save the world," I echoed through a mouthful of snacks. I seized another bag until I was full of
  • pickled onion, prawn cocktail and roast beef flavoured crisps. I wondered how to take my revenge on studio executives for cancelling 'Heroes'. If only I could
  • get a job in television and work my way up the ladder, first getting some writing and production credits to my name, then eventually getting a show of my own which would be just
  • be me, sitting in a wingback hair,smoking a Swisher Sweet,drinking a glass of purple Kool-Aid. Maybe they could have the chair in front of a bunch books or something. This show is
  • is the shiznit! The only thing wrong with how it has been staged is that I shouldn't be drinking kool-aid I should be drinking some courvoisier. The ladies man doesn't drink just
  • hard liquor, he also enjoys an occasional half-drunk bowl of milk left out over night for the neighbors cats. That way he can say that he lapped up a little
  • calcium to balance out the negative effects of all that bourbon he'd consumed last night. Father Joe led a double life, you see. While he self-righteously listened to confessions,
  • he self-righteously attempted to rid the world of multiple bottles of bourbon each evening. Usually somewhere around the second or third bottle Father Joe would find himself
  • talking with an angel at his kitchen table until the bottle was empty. When he stopped drinking, Fr Joe missed his chats as AA meetings didn't provide such good company.


  1. Chaz Mar 07 2013 @ 17:07

    One hit of Mountain Dew, and it is a downward spiral from purple kool-aid to milk and bourbon.

  2. buddyboy4711 Mar 07 2013 @ 18:08

    I missed a golden opportunity to type "Seize the Lay's" instead. Ah well.

  3. 49erFaithful Mar 08 2013 @ 13:50

    False choice as I believe the described activities are precisely what Horace meant when he wrote carpe diem.

  4. buddyboy4711 Mar 09 2013 @ 10:36

    I maintain that the opportunity was golden, and crispy, and salty to boot, albeit false.

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