Here we are, hanging onto strains of green

  • Here we are, hanging onto strains of green and blue. Break the chain then we break down, oh it's not real if you don't feel it: Unspoken expectations, ideals you used to play with.
  • "Fitty dollar bill!" "Down here, this is our time. Up there, that's there time." "...In fourth grade, I stole my uncle Max's toupee and I glued it on my face when I was Moses in my
  • school play. My favorite memory of that night was parting the red sea and watching the class bully get soaked because Miss Munchins pulled the rope too hard. 20 years later
  • I perform the Red Sea Miracle at the Wisconsin Dells Holy Bible Water Park, top of the hour, Mondays through Fridays. I think the beard is giving me a rash.
  • But I'm stuck with it now.Last week I dropped a tablet on my toe & broke it.Who ever heard of a Moses on crutches? I should have kept walking when that burning bush started talking
  • to me, but noooo, I had to stop and listen! My brother Aaron first laughed when I told him about it, said I should get my head checked out. But yesterday, I caught him carving a go
  • -ld fish on his headboard. Aaron was obsessed with gold fish. I know I'm the one that flushed his last living fish, but you have to keep that to yourself! What Aaron doesn't
  • know won't hurt him. What I didn't know, however, was that Aaron's flushed goldfish would haunt my dreams the rest of my life. Even when I was awake, I imagined I'd see goldfish
  • swimming in the TV. I got a Sharpie & wrote this poem to Aarons goldfish on the toilet lid. 'O little fish, you were flushed away. You didn't live another day. Now I see your fishy
  • fins in my fishy dreams. The nightmares have just started, or so it seems. You've gone and left him barren; now how the hell do I inform Aaron?


  1. Zetawilk Aug 07 2013 @ 13:33

    It's supposed to be a funny movie but now it just makes me sad and nostalgic. I hate smartphones.

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