There was a time in my life when my feet

  • There was a time in my life when my feet were webbed.
  • Normally, this would be a bad thing, but
  • you know how the saying goes "Women are made to be loved, not understood." A few days later, in the nearby town of Chutney,
  • he made love to the entire town. When he boasted of this later, he left out the part about the town being deserted except one odd lady who had served him some strange
  • tapioca with fish eyes in it. The nuclear waste silo explosion had driven the rest of the town away, but Frannie was every bit as opportunistic as she was whorish. She grew fresh
  • green tomatoes she used on this grat salad served as a side dish to the exquisite Giant Frog Sauté and Mutant Lime Sauce.This became her signature dish at"Moreau Bistrô"she founded
  • with the help of some sleazy "non-profits" and an unnamed "Colonel" from Libya. The giant frog saute and mutant lime sauce was tried on an the elderly first because
  • their taste buds were blunted. After our marketing study, we started the franchise, "Col. K's Libyan Frog Legs To Go." Mr. Sander sent his attack lawyers after us for copyright.
  • Since Gadafi's spelled with a G we changed it to "Col. G's Grilled Giggers", which went over well in the deep south until they found out what the G stood for.
  • Grant. As in Ulysses S. Grant. All that was needed was a good ad campaign. With that done, Col G's Grilled Giggers became THE hotspot in Atlanta, Mobile and all points south.


  1. Chaz Sep 26 2011 @ 17:38

    I'll take some Kadaffy frog legs with my Koffee.

  2. Chaz Sep 27 2011 @ 00:22

    Spelled with a K or G? I went with the Yahoo news spelling 'Kadhafi' The problem is we are trying to do an English Translation of an Arabic name. See article http://www.csmonitor.com/World/2011/0222/Gaddafi-Kadafi-Qaddafi-What-s-the-correct-spelling

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