I stopped running. It had started to rain.

  • I stopped running. It had started to rain. I didn't want to get my clothes dirty, couldn't spare to get it dirty. I feel like I'm in some kinda movie, why had I chose to run away?
  • Huddling in a doorway, I turned my collar up. The rain dropped rainbows in the oily puddles. Then I heard a swell of violins. I felt like dancing! I was in a musical! "Just Singing
  • in the Rain, What a glorious feeling, I'm happy again!" I started dancing in the milky puddles. My soft shoe was getting softer. Twirled my umbrella & showered under the drainpipe.
  • The drainpipe was the bilge run-off of a Russian submarine. The realization hit me like a Crazy Ivan. This wasn't a shower, I was being punished. I had lapsed into fantasy, but now
  • it was time to face reality, obviously! I shivered from the cold water and tried my best to avoid the hole in the slippery floor. It was just a tiny piece of soap, but when it got
  • underfoot it could take you for a very short ride into traction. What if I patched the hole in the floor with the soap itself? But there wasn't enough soap to cover it all. I shive
  • R at the thought of conglomerating. The soap grew tentacles and became an octopus large enough to patch the hole. I was glad because Aunt Flo was a stickler for cleanliness, minced
  • pie, and wall holes freshly plastered by sudsy octopods. Aunt Flo was pleased, but her pleasure was short-lived when a bus was flung into her shower from the highway overpass.
  • Aunt Flo was always a bloody old gal but the bus through her shower took it to new heights. They say never incur the wrath of women. Now females everywhere were out to get the driv
  • El removed from our airwaves even if they had to threaten Species Annihilation. A ninja considered Bushido.


  1. Woab Nov 25 2016 @ 12:28

    Started over five years ago!

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