"But I am better than you." They all wanted

  • "But I am better than you." They all wanted to argue, because, well you're just not supposed to say that. But, they're protests were blocked by unassailable truth. He was better,
  • tastier, with a smokey flavor that reminded everyone who licked him of raspberries, for some reason. And his hair tasted like butterscotch. Mmmm... Butterscotch...
  • "Mr. Lecter, thank you for your testimony," sad the judge. "You are hereby convicted of cannibalism, jaywalking, and medical malpractice. I sentence you to a vegan diet." Lecter
  • howled with rage, "Now what will I eat Fava Beans with? More Fava Beans?" Judge Wapner pounded the gavel. "So says The People's Court!" Lecter was wheeled out. "I am so displeased.
  • I have half a mind to go on an insane killing spree. Or I could file a direct appeal for adjudication pending prospective further evidential forthcomings." Lecter's eyes shifted
  • left and right in response to the overwhelming corporate/legal BS. No one knew that Lecter was a living legal search engine. His internal engine found the answer. "Killing spree
  • activated" it said. Lecter whirred monotonously, it's little mechanical brain whizzing thoughts around its structure.
  • When its cogs became stuck due to a corroded sprocket. He suddenly fell over, offline. Not long afterwards, a Recycle Drone flew down and swooped up the cannibalistic automaton.
  • Rex Stardust came back online in an oily puddle at the bottom of a waste bin at the Recycling Center. He formed a band with an expired traffic droid and two animated Mannequins
  • known the world over as the now infamous "Stardust Trash Trio." I'm Zax Leepman, and this has been another episode of "Great RoboMusic History." Good night!


  1. Chaz Jul 29 2012 @ 22:05

    Do Robots Dream of the Silence of Electric Lambs?

  2. 49erFaithful Jul 30 2012 @ 16:46

    This explains a lot. Not everything, but a lot.

  3. SlimWhitman Jul 31 2012 @ 09:17

    "A wet sprocket is a rusty sprocket" - ancient automaton proverb

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