
  • HereIsAnEspeciallyLongLineThatIAmWritingToDemonstrateALittleBugInTheWonderfulSiteCalledFoldingStoryWhichIsKnownFarAndWideToGenerateTheMostDelightfulTenLineStoriesOnTheWorldWideWeb
  • YouSeeThereIsAWayYouCanSqueezeOutALongerStoryThanIsReallyAllowedInFoldingStoryByEliminatingSpacesAndPunctuationOfCourseThereAreProblemsWithThisMethodHoweverEachFolderMustBeSureThat
  • TheWritersIntentIsUnderstoodAndOneWayToDoThatIsToBeginEveryWordWithACaptialLetterOtherwiseItIsDifficultToSpotTheEndOfAnIdeaAndWhereANewOneBeginsAsThereIsNoPuncturation
  • LackOfPunctuationHitMeWithMixedEmotions >:-/ InFactIBecameIrate >:-{ ButSoonILearnedToAcceptIt (:-) UntilThereWasAKnockOnTheDoor (8.o WhoCouldItBe :-?
  • R2D2 was listening to Men at Work while that idiot infantile flesh blob Luke was getting his ass handed to him by Yoda.
  • Darth Vader apearred and destroyed R2D2's radio. He then saw that Yoda was alive (which he didn't considered after realizing that Luke was his son and was a Jedi in Episode V).
  • Dick Cheney and George W. Bush joined the denizens of the spaceship to avoid prosecution for war crimes, forcing new characters to be added. This was in 2016. They played the piano
  • with exsquisite precision, Dick on one end and George on the other. The music was graceful and intoxicating. For a moment they forgot their unfortunate pasts and lived towards
  • the goal of sublime harmony. But as soon as they stopped playing they were at each other's throats and the air was fouled by threats and obscene language. So we glued their fingers
  • to their instruments & cursed them to play music forever. It was all too amusing except when they used the crapper. Then it was just disgusting but, we still laughed.


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