As the great beast rose above a shattered

  • As the great beast rose above a shattered Tokyo, it's nostrils flaring in triumph, a giant spaceship landed in front of it, and out of that spaceship came a giant robot made of
  • mochi. Godzilla had counted his skyscrapers a stomp too soon. The Mochmech extruded a sticky appendage wrapping them around Zilla's legs. Then it shot scaldingly hot miso soup
  • out of a potato gun right into Godzilla's crotch. Flames, electricity, acid shot from his mouth as the bumpy green mega lizard bent over. The Mochmech
  • became aroused at the sight of Godzilla's bumpy green ass sticking up in the air so cute. Mochmech lowered his potato gun, his eyes, now slits, glowered with desire. Godzilla
  • had been working out. Mochmech (Johnny Arlen in costume) walked up to Godzilla (Suzie Riley) who was still bent over and "accidentally" tripped and fell on her. Mrs. McGillicutty
  • Took her last xanax and said hoodnight.
  • "Hoodnight"? That sounded, in no way, correct. It felt strange, to say the least, so as soon as she fell asleep from the xanax, I crept out the door with a fishing rod.
  • I bard her truck and drove down to the crick where I met my buds Earl and Lee. We set up on the bank and passed around a bag of live bait. "Dayum, attair warm's got two hads!"
  • We done wirked out a systam for divying one's with extra heads tween us, then spent the day chewin warms together. Dayum, dem fish got good taste. Hoo needs em when dere's squiggly
  • tings ta go around. Suddenly, Alfred the butler walks in with a shiny platter in one hand, holding a device. "Your 'Chav' translator, Sir." said Alfred to the Foldingstory users.


  1. Flopp Apr 25 2016 @ 14:59

    Very creative use of the typo KnoppferHang.

  2. KnoppferHang Apr 25 2016 @ 21:16

    Hey, thanks! :D

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