The helicopter leveled and seemed to stare

  • The helicopter leveled and seemed to stare directly into Kelly's room. It was one of the silent black ones. As the cockpit opened, she knew the restraining order was meaningless.
  • It was a futile attempt, filing a restraining order against a space alien. Kelly was relieved when his spaceship was missing, but he was using a black copter on whisper mode now
  • and the retaining device had been off for hours. He'd have to call Central and have them mark it. The suns set on opposite horizons. The season of Culmination. How did it all get
  • to this? This moment of failure and sorrow. He had tracked the beast for days only to find it escaped with no clues to where it had gone. He'd have to go start at the beginning
  • so off he trudged to the wood at the end of the lane, he shook the second branch three times, held his breath and boldly
  • waited. Nothing happened. Had it been a dream? Was he crazy? He glanced around and was about to leave when he heard a booming voice echo from everywhere, "what is your
  • major malfunction?`` He jumped, startled. He stuttered a meek reply to the disembodied voice. ``I..I didn`t think...`` ``That`s the problem,`` came the sarcastic retort, ``You
  • never think, do you? You measly little brain seems to be incapable of such challenges." The man shifted a little, staring at his shoes, obviously uncomfortable.
  • with his unsolved Rubik's cube. Insults came like rain. "Square!" "Six-color sides!" "Toy blunderer!" He pelted the alien with the cube, hitting him in the blowhole. The alien
  • screamed its final ear-splitting scream and exploded with a loud "glop" and was gone. The world was safe once again.


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