Chingy went outside and thought something

  • Chingy went outside and thought something was highly peculiar about the November aura.
  • He looked over at his girlfriend and she was glowing. Chingy stepped back and felt a hand on his back. "Don't look away, you've been praying for this." He couldn't take his eyes
  • out of his sockets, that is until he realized he had no sockets, but rather socks. He reached a little deeper and tore out his singular eye. "Who says I cant look away now sucka"
  • He always liked to keep an eye out for his friends. Eye eye!
  • His friends started to complain when he couldn't pop the eye back into it socket and they had to help him search for it. Once, his eye rolled under the cabinet and he had to rinse
  • the dust bunnies clinging to it. "Gotta keep a closer watch on my housekeeper!" he joked, shoving his rogue eyeball back in. It was always something with him. His friends plotted
  • to squash that rogue eyeball one of these days. For now, they put up with his antics and did what they could to keep the eyeball in check short of poking it out with a dull stick.
  • But one night, after everyone had gone to bed, the rogue eyeball dislodged itself from it's socket and rolled out into town. The only bar open was Craig's Motorhead Pub, a biker
  • bar. Tons of buff biker dudes saw the eyeball roll into their bar. The bikers all ran outside in absolute terror. This left the eyeball alone, it was sad that no one wanted to be
  • seen by Nicolas Cage. He was distraught, he quickly jumped onto one of the bikers motorcycles and sped off. He had the prize and that's what mattered. The national treasure.


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