Nothing like the smell of a corpse fire in

  • Nothing like the smell of a corpse fire in the morning. Sure, Tom had seen better days, a few of them in bed with my wife, but that's why he's pantsless in a firepit. His big red
  • hands, full of blood, were shaking. That was weird of him as he as used to the scene. "Must be the medicine". He then searched his pocket, trying to
  • find a joint and he said, "Nooo that's my dick." Then he pulled out a tiny little piddly joint. The Hippie said, "Gee I hope your dick is bigger than this." He said, "Heey
  • maaaan, you can't, like, owwwnnn propertyyyy maaaannn." As we both toked a blunt and got high, the hallucinations rendered him an otter and I wanted chocolate burgers. Too lazy to
  • evolve or cook, we searched the shuttle's sofa for old potato chips. "I found Herr's," he said. "Whose?" "Herr's." This was blowing my mind. There were no girls on board. "His?"
  • "Heinz?" "No we don't have ketchup." "Catch up?" I was not getting through. "I'm starving in there is anything edible on this shuttle?" "Just olive juice." "I love you too, don't
  • start with that Who's on first thing or I will have a brain hemorrhage". "One brain hemorrhage coming right up". She turned the Shuttlebus's quadsound system up to 11 playing
  • some vintage Korn. Sure enough, Larry DuPre suffered a brain hemorrhage and needed a deep spinal tap to ease the suffering. He sued, claiming the lyrics were "indecent, vulgar
  • , and largely influenced by the one wordage mufflings in popular electronic music. Korn featuring Skrillex? Uh huh. Larry then won the case. The defendant was barred from Korn play
  • ing. Ever."Wanna go out for some coffee & a donut?" Larry asked. "Why not," chuckled his nemesis, slapping Larry's back. "Life's too short for everyone not to get along."


  1. JonH2O Feb 23 2013 @ 05:45

    GreenBanana..... You made me laugh so freaking hard at that fold. bahahaha

  2. SlimWhitman Feb 23 2013 @ 17:08

    @MoralEnd: Nice Cheech & Chong Cameo there ;-)

  3. SlimWhitman Feb 23 2013 @ 17:11

    @49er: "This is..." http://foldingstory.com/xu19b/

  4. Zetawilk Feb 23 2013 @ 17:14

    Half of it was based on a character from Animal Crossing, the other half is based on my experience spending a few nights with some junkies in the ghetto! :3

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