She could only see him when her eyes were

  • She could only see him when her eyes were closed. Her eyelids had been fitted with thermoptic filters that rendered his invisibility ineffective. He smiled and touched her hip.
  • day -1: Jack had died,right there in her arms. But he was still with her. Day -2: "sweety, it's terminal, but whatever happens, I'll be with you. get your eyes fixed and use ur hip
  • lingo to blow this popcorn stand. Day - 3: "Putin decides "screw it," and sets off the nukes. Day -4: the world is in nuclear winter. Day -5: coming up from the sewers are
  • the highly intelligent cockroaches. Day-6: The end of the canned food. Day-7: He rested. Looking back, the world was quite easy to destroy. Fortunately, he had missed
  • a small village off the north coast of Normandy that still subsisted on Wild boar who were thus not affected by the end of canned food. Obelix complained to Asterix, "Where are all
  • the grocery stores. "ugh! It all smells like rotting flesh." Asterix looked up cringing at the smell, "Im not even hungry anymore" She said muffled, holding her nose.
  • "Come on, eat it," said her friend, Daggir. Asterix threw up on the floor and half of the produce in the store. The management invoked their "You puked on it, you bought it" clause
  • which was a shame, because that meant Asterix owned their floor. While Ampersand glumly sawdusted the place, Daggir suggested new business practices: "More soba noodles! Less
  • boiled babies feet! "Well that doesn't seem like an intelligent business decision!", Ampersand complained. "Besides, they're my specialty!" This hurt Daggir more than
  • anything, even more than the time his Chipwich from Ipswich fell in the sand at the beach. Ampersand moved in to give the pathetic thing a hug. Then he remembered.


  1. SlimWhitman May 25 2012 @ 17:21

    The generation who's never heard of Asterix has arrived. http://www.asterix.com/index.html.en http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asterix http://www.asterix-tour.com/

  2. Zetawilk May 27 2012 @ 05:19

    Should I take a bow? :3

  3. SlimWhitman May 27 2012 @ 06:19

    It was a very clever twist with Ampersand. The Dagger symbol is also called Obelisk - I liked that one Brandon. I just meant that I was surprised when Asterix became a she, and thought it meant someone didn't know who he was, but this is FoldingStory! so maybe that was just free licence.

  4. Zetawilk May 27 2012 @ 15:06

    Transsexuality is a recurring theme on FoldingStory! [Insert many links of examples.]

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