A duck walks into a bar with a rabbi and

  • A duck walks into a bar with a rabbi and orders a Grasshopper. The bartender looks down at them and says, "Is this some sort of joke?" Just then, 6-foot tall pianist stumbled in.
  • The huge pianist says "knock knock". A chicken who had just crossed the road said "who's there?" The bartender served the duck and without missing a beat said
  • "Deeper Johnny, Deeper!" It was the bar of tired jokes. It was packed. An Elephant and a crushed grape at a booth ordered wine. In walked "Big Chief No Fart." He looked dispeptic
  • as Joe Don Baker. Lucky for Carrie Nation, bars go up pretty easy since they're soaked with liquor. The Tired Joke characters scrambled to escape, but the decor was less tasteful.
  • He coundn't stop laughing.
  • yes, he couldn't stop laughing. Indeed, it was a bacteria in his upper left thigh that caused him to laugh non-controllably for days. It never made him feel uncomfortable until
  • he was arraigned before Judge U. R. Ded, who knew nothing about his laughing epidemic, on a DUI charge. The judge gave his usual lecture, describing the horrific consequences of
  • driving under the influence. Then someone in the gallery cut a seven-o on the rectum scale... again. The defendent could contain himself nolonger and dissolved in fits of laughter
  • and split his pants - RRRRIIIPPP - wide open! The first titter came from baliff, then a giggle from the jury, & a guffaw...& soon everyone was rippin' 'em left & right. The judge
  • banged her gavel and said no more pants-splitting. "Judge," said the jurors in unison, "We are free and independent beings, and this is a matter of personal sovereignty."


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