Rolie Polie Olie got out of bed, brushed

  • Rolie Polie Olie got out of bed, brushed his teeth, and recharged his head.
  • He pushed the plugnose adaptor into his nasal cavity and tasted the metallic flow of ions. Rolie Polie Olie had run the Cadmium cells down too far and his thoughts were sluggish.
  • But sluggish thoughts was what he wanted right now. Thick, warm and soft like a pilon blanket. He checked the Newsvertisment chains, nothing about him killing anyone on the Lunar
  • Podule production line. He wrapped himself in his Daddy Bear onesie but thoughts of death infiltrated the fuzziness. He slipped a revolver into his 'porridge bowl' bag. The Lunar
  • New year celebration was just starting to unfold, like this story. It took four years to accomplishtheir original goal.
  • They looked at their goal lists from four years ago. "I finished the first draft of my new novel." "I ran a marathon." "Inner peace for me." " I got to level 423 on Candy Crush."
  • And they compared it to their present goal list: "I woke up without someone tossing cold water on me." "I passed out without being drunk." "I spent a week with 500 naked women and
  • I was elected to the U.S. senate. Ok, now I'm just making shit up. I haven't met any of my present goals YET. Remember the present will ALWAYS be the present so...
  • slide over with it and you will always be working for the Man, man. Can you dig where I am coming from? Are we eye to eye? Do you need any clarification? Do you need it in triplica
  • -cate or will a handshake do? Are we gentlemen? Are we not men? Good lord! We seem to be parameciums! Well, this should simplify things. Or so I thought, at the time.


  1. Woab Mar 19 2017 @ 15:15

    Four years? It's actually coming up on five years for this one.

  2. pinky Mar 19 2017 @ 16:46

    I hadn't noticed the time thing, that's cool. But how much cooler would it have been if we had made it within that four year window?! Thanks for pointing that out Woab.

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