"Das Schnabeltier ist ein eierlegendes Säugetier

  • "Das Schnabeltier ist ein eierlegendes Säugetier aus Australien. Das Schnabeltier gilt als ein lebendes Fossil." Horst seine Augenlieder schlossen sich. Er träumte das er ein Ei
  • McMuffin in one of those McDonalds commercials. Platty was pretty nonchalant back in the day, no one ever asked if he was a beaver or a duck. He just went on his way quietly, until
  • Oregon played Oregon State and he was forced to pick a side. Platty stared at his closet full of orange shirts and green shirts and knew this day would define his species forever.
  • That's why he had a laboratory where he was creating a new mammal. Part beaver. Part duck. Well, actually Duck DNA wouldn't mix with a Beaver, but Squawker's DNA would. He
  • gently placed the gas mask over Squawkers beak. Mad scientist that he was, he cackled the entire time, laughing about how traumatized the University of Oregon Ducks would be if
  • they found out that their precious mascot was not a duck, but a parrot. The mad scientist grinned maliciously at the thought. Squawkers yanked his head away from the gas mask
  • and blew the poisonous fumes into the mad scientist's face. He gagged, turned maroon & waved his arms like a windmill, while Squawkers flapped out of reach in a flurry of feathers!
  • Nona was not far away and flew over to see what was happening. Squawkers told her the two fledglings were coming back to the nest for dinner, so he had a pigeon. Yum, yum yum! They
  • fleeced the pigeon of all he was worth and even wiped out his kid's college funds. But when their fledglings arrived they gave scant attention to what Squawkers and Nona had done.
  • No, they were more interested in the giant statues of Squawkers and Nona that the two had erected of themselves, and quickly covered them in feces until they were unrecognizable.


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