24 hours in a day. 24 beers in a case. Coincidence?

  • 24 hours in a day. 24 beers in a case. Coincidence?
  • Or sick Joke? Clearly, 1 beer an hour is some moderate drinker's disgusting idea. Why, 1 beer an hour wouldn't make me drunk, hell no, it would only make me maaaaad.
  • Every time I finish my first beer, I would ask for another one. I couldn't wait for an entire hour to have another one.
  • But the pressure was so low on the tap of the only remaining keg at the "Last Watering Hole" that it really felt like it took an hour to get the next pint. When a guy butted in lin
  • and exclaimed that the saloon had in fact been serving water! The survivors gasped as they turned and looked to the bartender. He told the cowboys that Earth's alcohol was gone.
  • He regretted saying it immediately afterwards. The men began to become frightening to the bartender.
  • "Thank God for chicken wire" the bartender thought as he served a patron through the sliding grate. They were rowdy tonight. Karaoke always brought out the worst in people.
  • How he longed for the old days when this joint was known for its book clubs. Sure, the ladies could get rowdy now and again, but not like the "Karaoke Mafia" that ran things now.
  • No, indeed, it would be a long time before we could have our disco ball and our lending library back. The microphone and the video screen reigned supreme. Woe be to anyone who
  • accidentally tripped over the plug while carrying a microwaved burrito into the living room. Our MLP marathon shall not be interrupted, not by becoming "unplugged"!


  1. Zetawilk Sep 10 2012 @ 23:34

    If you consider the alcoholism angle, it doesn't necessarily lose coherence.

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