• THE MAKING OF FOLDINGSTORY: THE MUSICAL. The singing evil helicoptor scene at the penultimate climax of Act II cost over seven billion dollars to film. They could've done $700, but
  • the director was an artist or perhaps he just had a big ego and needed to spend lots of money to feel more important. Whatever the case may be the folding story musical was
  • without music. The FS creators had not created an mp3 player to accompany the folds. When the Emperor Noah saw the folds dancing without music he said, "Well look at them.
  • " Noah investigated & found that folds were infested with the Mexican jumping bean bug. In order to debug the site, he had to flush it out with neat bleach. Now, environmentally
  • speaking it might seem a bit harsh,but Noah had learned from higher up, when the world you created degenerates into trashy pulp fictiton it was best to make a clean slate of things
  • This means all the tsunamis and other so called natural disasters were karmic in nature. The last four years have seen a fourfold increase globally in mainstream news stories about
  • glorious revolutions, and how this time and age will be when humans have to change how they do everything they have come to be familiar with, or lose it all.
  • So we stood, we humans, at the edge of the new age. It was hard to understand where we were headed, but the path behind us had ended and it was now or never. So we stepped forward
  • and were instantly welcomed to the new age by a punch of apple employees. They cheered for us and high-fived us as we walked in to get the latest apple tech. It was disgusting...
  • I couldn't fathom the response of the people, like these tiny devices held the key to all of life happiness in a few pressed buttons.


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