A monument in sand. He put the finishing

  • A monument in sand. He put the finishing touches on his 1:10 scale model of the Cheops pyramid complex, placed the plastic camels and flying saucer, and then stepped back to
  • paint the to-scale tourists' camera phones. He cut grains of sand to 1/10 their original size for consistency's sake, and blew them into the tourists' eyes. The Cheops' alien archi
  • -e was really weird. Cheops Alien Archie had come to earth in a plasma ship. He had two heads and a tentacle in his stomach, and freckles on his three noses. The Tour Guide
  • Said they were going to the 2016 olympics after all. They had to give up
  • on that zany idea of beating her cancer. Lets go to the 2016 Olympics instead of getting that operation. Jerry stood there trying to work it out. YOLO or Responsibility? Jerry just
  • waited, weighing the options. Responsibility was great, but Maizy really wanted to go to the 2016 Olympics. Could her cancer wait?
  • No. Maizy's cancer was out front, beeping its horn impatiently, waking the neighbors. "It's three forty-eight in the freaking morning!" shouted Big Phil, who never slept anyway.
  • The cancerous car beeping continued. "Ah, hell," said Big Phil. "Mind as well get this over with." Grabbing his journal, a knife and his trusty St. Christopher's medallion he heade
  • d into the situation with every bit of courage he could muster. Big Phil's hands shook as he faced his nemesis. "Look, I've HAD it with your shenanigans!" His plunged the knife
  • into his leg, and screamed in agony. "God dammit! How could I miss so badly!" The fall of Big Phil registered a Richter magnitude of 3.1 on a distant seismometer, so big was he.


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