I had just graduated medical school and i

  • I had just graduated medical school and i was truly in need of love .Although most of these guys these days are a waste of time so i need to take it slow.
  • later that day, i went down to the nearest diner and asked for a milkshake. The waitor came and gave me my milkshake. At the corner of my eye, i spotted the football team. Staring.
  • Then they saw me.
  • They saw me in half, not all, as one side of me is invisible. The good side. The bad side is ugly. This is the side that they saw. They don't like it, or me. They grabs their saws.
  • They sang the "Lumberjack Song" in unison as their tentacles clawed away at my scaly fingers, revealing something that looked and smelled like lavendar. John Cleese walked in and
  • informed me that my parrot was, indeed, dead and that the cheese had run all over the floor and the cat had eaten it. No wait, that was another python. My newly scented fingers
  • pet the cat, for I wasn't really mad that she had eaten all the cheese. I'm lactose intolerant anyway, so what did it matter? I was, however, sad about the dead parrot. I decided
  • I would do something to make that right. I just didn't know what that something would be. I tried to imagine what would excite a dead parrot but I couldn't think of anything. Decid
  • ing was hard work and I was feeling peckish when I reached my hand out for the missing feather and only encountered this dimension. It felt like a spike of ice through my hand.
  • Suddenly I had an idea. I poured giggle juice into a glass and gripped it with my icy hand. Instantly the drink became cold and the glass turned frosty. What a cool trick!


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