Married 40 years. How had the time gone by

  • Married 40 years. How had the time gone by so fast. I looked in the mirror this morning and was scared by the old person looking back at me. Who in the hell is that. What happened
  • to the thoughts of Ibiza, the dreams of foreign travel, wild sex on the beach and riding elephants - not at the same time mind you! It was gone. I had danced the night away...
  • When I finally sobered up and realized It was a sordid club full of every kind of riff raff where the women wore their make up like so many undead tramps I wanted to get out
  • Problem was these pesky handcuffs were making it difficult to move. Summoning every McGyver notion that has ever popped in my head I decided to
  • to take my rockstar energy gum and my mach 3 razor and build an educational toy to satisfy the suburban mother before she cussed me out. I saw it done on McGyver episode that
  • featured him building a nuclear reactor with two sticks and a can of Fresca. He drank the Fresca, used one stick to initiate a chain reaction of nuclear fission and the other stick
  • as a dildo. What's the point of building a nuclear reactor without a stick up your ass? So anyway, the other stick and the empty Fresca can started a fission reaction that tore
  • a hole in the very fabric of
  • our lives. He poked his finger through the frayed opening in his sweatpants. How long had the hole been there? The softness of the cotton was incredible, but at what price!?
  • I read the price of tag. Instantly i say'd "Mother of god...." but i noticed a kid wanted me to buy it for him. I buy'd it and give it to the kid. I finally go to home to rest.


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