The classroom was buzzing with rowdy, sweaty

  • The classroom was buzzing with rowdy, sweaty children. I couldn't even hear myself think.
  • And then he realised, as sweat dripped from his hairy arm pits he was the sweaty one.
  • The sweat dripped slowly into my mouth, the taste was salty yet appetising.
  • i do like a bit of burger 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • There was a pause...then a small giggle. "Ummm...this is Taco Bell. We don't have burgers. May I take your order please?" Elmo started again, "Oh, OK. I'll have a spicy chalupa."
  • I let out a deep sigh. "Is there anyone else that I can speak with?" Elmo just giggled and soon Cookie monsters voice could be heard. "Me want Coookie!!" He shouted. I was ready to
  • rumble. Michael Buffer is my dad. This is my story about also my brother who is cookie monster, who is a special needs child. This is our story. Cookie "Monster" Buffer and me.
  • Cookie Monster was unable to attend school because of social phobia. Mum made sure he was home schooled and so was I. It was all to our advantage because the public schools were
  • breeding grounds for cookies, and therefore distracting and unsafe for any child, let alone Cookie Monster- who was still a child mentally due to high sugar intake early in life.
  • After several cookie binges and milk raves cookie monster eventually became despondent over his debauched life and turned himself in. That's why he's with us in the county jail.


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