What would he need to take on the Appalachian

  • What would he need to take on the Appalachian Trail? So far he had one tube of anchovy paste, a can of Manwich Bold, a box of turkey dressing, and a cheddarwurst.
  • He ascended Blood Mountain and placed his humble offering at the altar of Demeter. A voice boomed, "Liege, have you forgotten the Heath Bar shake?" He licked his lips nervously.
  • Well, see, that's thing," answered the Dairy King, "I went to see my wife, and you know how she is, and then before I knew it the Heath Bar Shake was gone." "SILENCE!" thundered Go
  • nad Man, who'd been eavesdropping in on this conversation. Dairy King melted in terror while Gonad Man sucked him up with a straw. Then the Dairy Queen arrived, looking for her
  • misplaced medium cookie dough blizzard. "CEASE THIS NONSENSE AND TOMFOOLERY" she demanded of the men, and with a little stomp of her foot she added "AT ONCE THE DAIRY QUEEN DEMANDS
  • SO COMMANDS! Since most of them had never had any schooling they didn't know the boundaries of nonsense and tomfoolery, imagined they themselves were 1 of the 2 & froze themselves.
  • Tom Foolery was no ordinary fool. He taught the students fifth grade logic and that meant hotrodding in the alley at night, going 190 mph. His own 1966 Mustang was living proof.
  • One evening, Tom Foolery took out the Mustang for a joyride, when he discovered a spiderweb crack across his entire front windshield. "I have been outdone", he sighed, as he
  • reached into the glove compartment and pulled out a twenty pound steel hammer. He beat on the windshield until he was able to knock it out and onto the hood. Then he cursed Ford
  • for his outstandingly robust vehicles. "May your rot in hell, Henry Ford," he said to the night sky. The hook-handed man would surely be out at this late hour.


  1. MadWorld Oct 06 2017 @ 15:44

    If this were made into a movie, who would play Tom Foolery?

  2. bachtopus Oct 06 2017 @ 16:39

    Adam Sandler

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