In April 1914, Tony Russolo gave a concert

  • In April 1914, Tony Russolo gave a concert of his Futurist music complete with the Intonarumori. His noise music caused a riot and the Intonarumori was allegedly destroyed. However
  • he is now believed to be a factor in the outbreak of World War 1. After listening to Russolo's music the opposing sides decided to get on with it & started digging trenches.
  • But at the bottom of a certain trench in Germany both sides found something they didn't expect. When it shone through the dirt, the soldiers were quickly evacuated and the
  • expendables were sent in. Wally had a noggin-mounted multi-spectrum camera & Sebastian did too. Wally gently nudged the object with his boot. A brilliant shimmer engulfed Sebastian
  • as the light sprung from beneath the rock, "Gold?" Had he really just found gold? Wally quickly snapped the stunned expression on Sebastian's face as he looked at the object
  • of his affection: a solid gold Catherine Deneuve circa 1967! "Goldfinger," he sang, pointing towards the midnight sun. But his face fell when he realized that the gold was in fact
  • Fools' gold when it turned to black dust upon being picked up. Shirley Bassey took the mike from him and sang"Goldfinger" instead. He was off key. "Sing in the shower!', Shirley
  • Booth hollered from the bathroom, dressed in her Hazel costume (which Shirley Bassey could never resist). Later, she tried to clean the ring of black dust from around the tub, but
  • in Russia, black dust ring cleans you! Booth tried her best, but the dirt from the motherland was too strong. Even in costume her cleaning powers failed her. That's why in the w
  • Ar, you never fight. Its not about fighting. Its not about winning or losing. Its about surviving. Survive longer than everyone else. Thats how you win.


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