She stood there, pick axe in her hand, pools

  • She stood there, pick axe in her hand, pools of blood by her feet. All was silent,
  • Lola had always hated job interviews, but this is the first one that had ended in a massacre. Was it the question about her strengths & weaknesses? Perhaps. It takes a small push
  • against the desk which then shoved the interviewer against a plate glass window. One more nudge... Lola ran around & watched him freefalling."Does this mean I get the job?" she
  • continued running, faster and faster, in wider and wider circles, until she was running so fast that she was digging channels in the earth beneath her, then orbiting the planet,
  • and that's when her doctor told her the sick truth, "You're an exercise anorexic."
  • "What's an exercise anorexic?" she asked, alarmed by the sound of it. "Someone who doesn't exercise enough," said the doctor. She sighed in relief, "Why not just say that then?"
  • "I like to be obtuse," explained the doctor, rather irritably. So the doctor put her on a program of exhausting exercises, on which she promptly gave up. She decided that she would
  • instead go on an induced sleep program and lose weight via starvation plus it would help with her workaholic sleep induced sleep deprivation. She sleep for three months and woke
  • a free man who she found sleeping next to her in her cave. "How much would you have cost me if you hadn't been free", she asked the groggy man who even now was tugging on the blank
  • gun's trigger, trying to blow his own head off. Not for the first time that night- nothing happened. It was the humiliation that finally killed him.


  1. Woab Apr 18 2017 @ 15:48

    This was not Lola's day, that's fer true. Hilarious ending, IceSquad!

  2. Rebbie Apr 18 2017 @ 18:30

    Starts with death ends with death and paints a picture of a the poor woman who stood in the midst of it all trying to lose weight so she could get a job. Lola where will you go now for employment? *sob*

  3. IceSquad Apr 19 2017 @ 07:58

    Slim Lola Slim

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