La participación política....una responsabilidad

  • La participación política....una responsabilidad de quién ? Había una vez un ciudadano que no participaba ...
  • nada le interesaba demasiado, sólo dejaba que las decisiones las tomaran los demás...
  • luis miguel
  • was on fire, literally. As he ran around in a panic and completely ignored the firefighters trying to help him he made his way to the center of the street, where a giant gasoline
  • puddle soaked his canvas high-tops and hiking socks. "This day just isn't going very well," he thought as the fumes filled his head, "but at least it's unleaded." He squished on
  • further down the road. Looking back he saw a small fire had started and proceeded to follow the trail of petrol leading to himself. At this point, he realized to start running.
  • The fire was catching up to him. Perhaps he wasn't running fast enough. Then again, his "running" was more of a "slow jog". Maybe he was giving up.
  • Maybe he was just getting old. In any case, he ran until his heart and lungs could take no more and he collapsed to the ground barely breathing. Spiderman breezed by and stopped to
  • cover him in webs, before jumped up a building, and ripping his shirt off. He then began yodeling like the true man he was, unleashing his before unknown scottish roots. He then
  • trip and fell off the building. Eye witness reports say he attempted to flap his arms like wrings and exclaimed, "I'm a birdie! I'm a birdie!" He died on impact.


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