He hated her. She was smart. She envied him

  • He hated her. She was smart. She envied him because he was dumb. This is how
  • he tricked her into loving him. She was falling into her trap though and it would not take long for her to give him everything he needed. Then he could go back to Denver and find
  • a mountaintop where he could shoot her gifts to the aliens. He set up a see saw with a large boulder at one end as the launching mechanism. They had demanded that he give them new
  • York, but he had explained to them that this was just too big an item to propel into orbit using only a rudimentary catapultation system. They had sagely agreed, and then requested
  • a larger rubber-band. With funding cuts, NASA relied on mechanical propulsion delivery systems. He tried to explain the torque on a propeller at high Gs but it fell on deaf ears.
  • When NASA launched the Intrepid, the propellers deformed like a shar-pei with his head out the car window but they got into orbit. Too bad the propellers were their means of descen
  • ding toward the ocean floor of reality. NASA wanted the crew of the Intrepid to ask the Scuttling Crab a question or two. How this got funded, no one knew. Luckily, Richard Branson
  • will do anything for a few dollars more, so he took care of that business for peanuts. Man, that Richard Branson likes peanuts! So now the Intrepid crew could set the course for
  • the Peanut Planet. The crew would always remember the journey to the Peanut Planet. The final approach was difficult due to the giant salt asteroids. Richard Branson messaged the
  • whole gang...Charlie Brown, Lucy, Linus, and even Snoopy came to witness the landing. But it never happened. A lone peanut rose into the heavens. Good-bye, Richard.


  1. SlimWhitman Apr 25 2013 @ 06:34

    The Great Peanut rose into the sky. Phobos shown with a reddish hew. Richard looked on the moon and said, "That would go well with some salt asteroids".

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