I have billions of dollars, I am going to

  • I have billions of dollars, I am going to cure malaria. I have billions of dollars, I am going to run for president. I have billions of dollars, I am going to dress as a bat.
  • I have a billion dollars, I am going to build penis island. I have a billion dollars, I will cure world hunger. I have a billion dollars, I am going to make you all billionares. I
  • have a billion dollars, I'm going to hire a new family. I have a billion dollars, I'm going to build an air conditioned jungle. I have a billion dollars, I'm going to buy everyone
  • I... I only have a billion dollars. That's nothing, really. A drop in the bucket. I have all these dreams, these wonderful dreams... I need more. So now I must
  • dance
  • -- and with that simple, mild suggestion, people everywhere in all situations began to dance, widdershins and sunwise, dancing where they were and dancing without moving. Finally
  • The grammophone played david bowie's blackstar album.
  • Where Did the Baby Cookware Go? and it's cover depicted a truck full of dead babies. In general, if I may generalize General Custer. Not hearing the contrary, he proceeded forward.
  • Pretty soon he had become the largest producer of god-awful rot in the whole of North America. His hideous books and albums sold like fake noses at a clown festival. He became rich
  • in jello molds and the circus prison picked him up. He was tried and sentenced to a rot free chain gang where clown noses were banned. "Shower you fool!"


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