Love Actually was shot in England. What people

  • Love Actually was shot in England. What people don't know was the Hugh Grant has been dead for 5 years and they were able to
  • reconstruct his scenes, using rejected footage from his previous films. His face hasn't changed, and his character
  • is always the same. In his latest film he takes on his best role so far. "Tom is ... Tom!" Somehow with all the outtakes some unknown footage from the Scientology Indoctrination
  • ...was aired, tinfoil hats and all. For a moment, a twitching nanosecond, the insectoid Commander of the star destroyer Phalus paused at the controls weapons humming
  • a little tune from "Carmen". Unaware he was on the intercom, the insectoid commander's humming broadcast through the entire star destroyer Phalus, and his race first heard music.
  • A mutiny ensued. The insectoid crew, already disgruntled due to a reduction in benefits, captured and detained the officers. "'Music', you call it? It is beautiful! How dare you
  • deride our chirping! And to serve us tainted bug chow full of meal-worms -- how dare you!" The insectoid crew packed the officers into a retrofitted Scuttlebug and sent them to
  • The Tech Institute with its identical doorways, in search of Mr. Boris Karlov. There were no numbers on the doors, of course. Mr. Roboto was also lost in the shuffle and sneezed
  • spraying a sea of dust into the air. The sneeze that had previously cleared his sinuses returned with each breath. Inhale, sneeze. Inhale... sneeze. Mr. Boris Karlov didn't see any
  • end to this. The dust entered and exited his nostrils like a tram cycling through the tunnels. He decided there was only one ending. With a decisive "bang" there was no more dust.


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