What a day it was turning out to be? No one

  • What a day it was turning out to be? No one had ever thought to tell him that they were going out. Strange he thought to himself, why bother at all to b e left all alone. Goodness.
  • Even Hector's toys had ditched him for grander plans. A silverfish scurried by. "I command you to keep me company," said Hector. It replied, "Uh, I've got a... thing. Bye now."
  • "Aw heck," said Hector. No toys, no friends, no rodents or even pestilence to keep him company. Then a bright idea unfolded in Hector's mind. "Hullo? Is this
  • me you're looking for?" Said Lionel Richie. He laughed and high-fived Hector. Lionel said, "You have to see this hilarious youtube video,"
  • So they both watched it and cried and couldn't stop watching and they then cried because they could not escape Youtube. They were only freed when the power was turned off for non-
  • payment of their electricity bill. So remember kids, paying your utility bills is just self-slavery. Once they were free of YouTube they found that they were also starving. They
  • hardly knew how to make cup o noodle. YouTube had sucked their souls out but what a ride it had been. The truth of reality began to force them to expand. They learned how to
  • speak in full sentences, chew gum, feel empathy for their fellows. They denied ever being Youtube addicts and posted helpful yoga links on facebook
  • to make people think they were in to fitness. In truth, they were addicted to YouTube more than they could even admit to themselves. They've seen every PewDiPie video ever made.
  • and they were statisfied.


  1. pinky Jan 26 2017 @ 11:19

    All Hail Lionel!

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