"Hello, you've reached Jenny Scoops with

  • "Hello, you've reached Jenny Scoops with Jungle Corp International. I'm away at the moment. Leave a message and I'll get back to you as quickly as possible. Thanks." *beep*
  • "What the hell kind of name is Jenny Scoops?" I said before I hung up. It was only after I hung up that I realized it sent to her. Damn it. I just want to know if my gorilla's okay
  • , because if my gorilla's ok then I'm OK. I learnt that from the bestseller, 'I'm OK, But What About My Gorilla?" 'Gorilla' is a euphemism for something or other I forget now.
  • If you think about it, we're all gorillas on the inside, and not like you're thinking. Evolution is a lie, but the great mystery that binds us all together is actually
  • strings. Evolution is a lie, sure but string theory is nothing but true, quite literally too. The philosophical connection between Man and Monkey is the simple nylon string.
  • We are marionettes aping the behavior of our hairy homonculi living in the 10th dimension so says the string theory of Prof. Peter Leaky (no relation to Lucy's great Uncle).
  • "Imagine, if you will," Prof. Peter said while drawing in chalk, "Extra-dimensional beings who project us as their shadows onto this mortal plane." "You're just drawing a dick,"
  • Professor Paul stood up and said, "Wait a minute! You are supposed to teach graphic design not this. What about the house we were designing for King Ludwig?" Professor Mary laughed
  • . "I already graphic designed AND 3D printed that building,"said Prof Mary.She gave an evil chuckle&added, "This is the REAL world, Paul, & if you wanna make a living, you're gonna
  • follow docilely after the dollops. This is known by all of us at this level. That is why we no longer follow but lead the dollops. You are not us Paul. Here the spice was dollop.


  1. seinundzeit Sep 11 2016 @ 23:02

    Let it be spoken, so let it be done.

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