They say life is a lesson - one you learn

  • They say life is a lesson - one you learn a little at a time. Well, he had always been a slow learner. And now he was paying for it. Whoever it was knocked a third time.
  • Third time lucky? Knock and the door will be opened? Without looking through the peephole he grabbed a hold of the handle and opened.
  • After opening the door of perception he was shocked. He was shocked because the chain lock was still across the door. But then he saw the "thing." Mangled horror and juicy, it
  • Was held open by Aldous Huxley himself, who was eyeless. His thick spectacles made up for that. "Eyeless in Gaza, " he said as he introduced Lady Gaza, dressed as a fillet mignon.
  • "Rene is here also and Francois Le Trout and his leashed lobster. Make sure it stays that way." I couldn't help but notice that Aldous Huxley was looking his age. The Doors weren't
  • exactly doing well in the creativity department, what with Morrison and Manzarek both dead. Surviving members Krieger and Densmore now called the act the “Closed Doors” and tried
  • to take it to Vegas, where they were sure they could open for some impersonation headliner. But "Closed Doors" got the doors slammed in their face everywhere they went. Krieger and
  • Umlaut tried the strip-bank & the zodiac killer's unabomber-style shack, but nobody would give them a loan this Easter Christmas. Krieger looked at Umlaut, wiggled his mustache,
  • and gave a suggestive wink. "Right!" said Umlaut "This clearly isn't working Krieger. It's time we tried something different. Busking! That's bound to get us the money we need"
  • Umlaut and Krieger started busking, and people gave them lots of tips. The crowd gave them so much money, that they got rich, retired still being young, and moved to Hawaii.


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