My coffee was ex-scrumptious. My lips were

  • My coffee was ex-scrumptious. My lips were ex-vibrant and my feet were ex-grounded. My time was fleeting as I was just existing inside of it like. I felt like a whittled prisoner
  • when in fact it was a who was doing the whittling. The sporks they provided in prison wood working shop made it a challenge, but my likeness of the warden carved out of
  • soap. the warden ws not happy, so he put me in the hole for two weeks. I believed that I had gone mad, because it seemed like Iwas there for years no light to heat and no sun.
  • That's when the voices started. At first, it was just a giggle. A laugh. Then it became a whisper. The voices told me things, secrets about the prison. When the warden let me
  • throw the big switch for THE chair. Then the prison voices told me about all the BS going on Ghost Hunters. Then they told me to go sit in the chair. Then the voices giggled some
  • & called me a "dumbhead" behind my back. I frowned, putting my hands on my hips, refusing to budge. The voices told me not to be a loser, & to take a joke & get in the elec chair.
  • I almost sit down, but stop suddenly. Why should I listen to the voices? Keeping my hands on my hips, I turn around and walk away. I'm not surprised when I trip on my way out.
  • I was always known for being a clumsy person everyone looked at me and laughed. I felt so ashamed so I ran to my car as fast as my body would allow me. I sat on my car and cried.
  • My head was down as I sobbed. Then I felt a soft tap on my shoulder. I looked up, my face all tear-stained & blotchy. It was Ned. Nerdy Ned. "Do you wanna get back at them?" He ask
  • ed. "Yes" I said with a dark tone in my voice. "But I want do it slowly. I want them suffer like no others have suffered before" "They will," Ned whispered"...and I'll help"


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