Once upon the a mid day dream, That is when

  • Once upon the a mid day dream, That is when this terrible act of betrayal took place, But not to fear this story has a secret plot twist near the end so keep reading.
  • This mid day dream happened to be a dream that took place during a mid day nap. A cat nap naturally, one dreamed by an actual cat.
  • That would be me, the cat. So in this dream I was chasing a mouse. The mouse turned the corner and ran right into a big tub of potato salad. I hate potato salad. What a waste of a
  • salad. Anyway, in my dream I'm looking for the mouse when I pull a dead body from the tub. Now there are flies buzzing around my whiskers and my paws are stained red with
  • Jerry's blood. The cute little guy wouldn never torment me again, I lamented. Then my whiskers twitched again & I looked down. It wasn't a mouse! It was a bird. Meep meep nomore...
  • As soon as I realized the blood wasn't Jerry's, rage replaced my grief. "Where is that little bugger.." I grumbled, tail flicking in annoyance. I left the bird carcass to search
  • I realised it was not normal outside too, but it was abnormal. Human and buliding looked bloody in every way in my eyes, it was terrible than i thought to myself.
  • I stayed inside for days until I peeked outside and saw a light. Suddenly, in a flash, everything didn't look so bloody anymore, and it was beautiful outside as well as in. I then
  • took a tentative step outdoors. Then another. It was silent, except for a few birds chirping. No blood, no carnage. My tired eyes looked at the blue, blue sky. A rainbow appeared.
  • And all I could think about was turning up the contrast and saturating the colors, then hash tagging the shit out of it. Years later, when no one was left to weep, I did.


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