DeLorean. Phone booth. Hot tub... those have

  • DeLorean. Phone booth. Hot tub... those have all been done before. I was determined to create a time machine to trump all others.
  • So I created my golden toilet time machine (somewhere between twinkle and tinkle) to out do the time machines of the past (or present (or future)). The accoutrements included
  • sharkskin toilet pepper, a Mont Blanc seat cover, a California cuisine urinal cake made by Mr. Puck, an Ivory handled toilet brush, and a Kobe beef skewer. No way Biff can ruin
  • this masterpiece with his jagged vitriol. Biff was the Simon Cowell of the decorating. His words could drain the festive from a gold leaf puff pastry. Her "exquisite toilet" cake
  • was flush with delightfulness! But the taut licorice whips began to soften until they snapped and sent her flying
  • through the air which smelled like fresh croissants, which was fortunate as she landed in a sea of chocolate. Little croissant boats floated around, including donut life vests.
  • The Good Ship Lollipop floated by and she climbed aboard. It was still drizzling gumdrops and the rainbow of skittles was mesmerizing. The penguins licked the chocolate off of her
  • nose and she looked cautiously towards the future. In the distance rock candy cliffs threatened the journey but retreat was not an option. The crew pulled in the licorice and
  • Lucy ordered everyone to fasten the lollipop stilts and walk across the quicksand covering the path. The walrus had some difficulty because of his stubby flippers and
  • nasty disposition. Once on the other side, the path sloped downward. They hadn't seen, nor predicted the boiling cauldron that awaited them.


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