"Grandpa, did you ever have sex?" "Well,

  • "Grandpa, did you ever have sex?" "Well, Willie, if remember correctly the last time I wet my whistle it was at the drive-in.about 1955 with your Grandma during..." "Wiillard, shut
  • your piehole!" Grandma snapped. "Willie, you mustn't pay Grandpa any mind. He's senile." Grandpa's eyes twinkled mischievously. "...The Seven Year Itch," Grandpa finished.
  • He closed his eyes. His head rolled forward. His chest stopped moving. Then Grandpa slumped against the wall. Dead. I walked up and said, "Grandpa?" He jumped up and yelled, "
  • NOT! Ha Hah!" Grandpa never gave up a fad. He still said "Pshyche!" all the time, along with "Whaaaaazzzzzaaaaaaaappp" and "Bitchin!" I was done. We'd been on a 1,200 mile roadtrip
  • and grandpa's fads were driving me crazy. Finally he nodded off and just as I was about to smother him with his Spongebob Squarepants pillow, he roused and shouted, "Hashtag
  • PatrickisBae!" I shook my head. He was so obsessed with all of these past trends, that he often forgot what year it actually was. Gramps needed help, but
  • He was a stubborn old man. He was alive and kicking at age 98. Next year he turns 99. I secretly doubt I will live that long, especially in the wonderful world of "affordable care"
  • Publicly I also doubt but with too much of a hint at equivocation so that anybody who might be paying attention would doubt that I doubted for real. It was a staked out Idea. Peril
  • waited around the corner while Tomfoolery whistled the signal from the alley. Officers Smugness and Danger had guns at the ready while Peril kicked in the door. Revenge made a run
  • for it, almost crashing into Misery. Misery lurched away nearly falling into Rotten Luck. Destiny who happened to be strolling by shook her head sadly and asked is that Fate?


  1. SlimWhitman Jan 29 2018 @ 15:21

    Wow, cool finish, Gramps: always new he had it in him.

  2. SlimWhitman Jan 29 2018 @ 15:22

    knew knew knew. arghh.

  3. 49erFaithful Jan 29 2018 @ 15:54

    No prob Slim, we gnu what ewe meant.

  4. SlimWhitman Jan 30 2018 @ 02:21

    Thanks! and great to see ewe skulking around these parts, 49er.

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