You gotta know when to hold 'em. Know when

  • You gotta know when to hold 'em. Know when to fold 'em. Know when to walk away.
  • And know when to run. The Gambler taught me well, and this was definitely a time to run. I was holdin' the black aces & eights. Snydley was fingering his belt & elbowed Mungo
  • in the cosloppus. I yelled "Holy Shoot! It's Bow-legged Betty!", pointed at the stairs, and ran through the swingin doors. I could hear a swarm of angry drunken cowboys behind me
  • ncia. It was the mind of mencia that had teleported himself to the Old West. He'd tried his stand up in the Greeley's Saloon in Tombstone and the drunken cowboys
  • were so drunk they actually found stand-up comedy funny! Stand-up is the lowest form of humor, and it takes a LOT to cowboys drunk enough for that. But all Saloons come to an end.
  • This was true even of the Saloon at the End of the Universe. All of the intergalactic oligarchs met here -- they were the only ones who could afford it -- to get hammered and watch
  • re-runs of the universe's best sit-coms. With guffaws in every sound imaginable filling the 4D space, the Saloon at the End of the Universe overcame its morbid situation and
  • the bodies were cleared away. It was just in the middle of episode 167 of "How I Met Your Evil Doppelgänger in a Parallel Universe", that the Saloon started to shake and a strange
  • and walls around them began cracking open with bright white light spreading all over blinding the sights of everyone standing close to it and shattering everything to smithereens.
  • If you stand around and let the light overtake you, hoping to survive, press F5. If you futilely attempt to flee the fastest known phenomenon, press Alt-F4.


  1. 49erFaithful Nov 30 2015 @ 16:43

    F5. F5! EEEEEEEeeeeeeeffffff Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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