"Are you sure this isn't explosive?" Rick

  • "Are you sure this isn't explosive?" Rick asked. "I never said it wasn't," Alice stated coldly, standing at a safe distance from the
  • little packet that undoubtedly had an explosive substance in it. Rick gave Alice a confused look and slowly backed away, too. "So you are crazy.Do you mean to kill us?" Rick asked
  • "What? Don't be silly," Alice replied, giving Rick an incredulous look. "This is just some kool-aid." She shook the packet, preparing to tear it open and dump it into a pitcher of
  • hydrochloric acid as per the instructions. But it was CHERRY flavour and the ensuing chain reaction destroyed the kitchen table meaning Rick and Alice had to go out for dinner to
  • Porky's Pig Shack for some spare ribs. Luckily they were cooked properly and I avoided pot holes. Next I went shopping for a replacement kitchen table - one that was resistant to
  • tally versus porky's karate chops. On the way back his porkwagon got stuck in a sticky pot hole.. The porkrind tires got no traction in a greasy spill. He called AAA.. The big bad
  • multinationals dug out his tires before AAA arrived, crying out after, "Go forth and trans fat!" The porkwagon squealed and sped away in a gout of burnt cooking oilsmoke.
  • The lady in the hot dog shaped car was serving all sorts of condiments on her homemade disaster sausages. The porkwagon was her rival. They were neck in neck in sales according to
  • Traveling Meat Cars Weekly, the weekly magazine of record. Many in the game were surprised that it was that close considering Porkwagon did not have the name recognition that Oscar
  • Mayer had--still, with television adds showing brawny, bare-chested Russians working on the Porkwagon...well, lets just say women everywhere agreed with Traveling Meat Cars Weekly!


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