My phone number is 1. Just 1. If you want

  • My phone number is 1. Just 1. If you want to call me, just press that number and I will answer any questions you might have.
  • *presses 1* Thank you for calling.Knock and the door will be opened. Call and your question will be answered. Currently the Operator is serving another soul. Please have ready your
  • supreme rationalization. This is the rationalization you use that covers your ass in ALL situations," the Operated said. He thought hard. Well there was the thing I used to
  • do on math tests called "guess and check". "Is that the ultimate form of rational decision making, Mr. the Operated?" "Well, there is also "guess and check-plus"." Impossible!
  • Still, we had no other way to estimate our national debt. Mr. the Operated called the hotline to the White House and offered the services of his students to Mr. President. "Why, uh
  • Why can't I help you budget?" The President was defenestrated and landed on the top of John Cleese's limo. John Cleese invited him to Fawlty Towers, where he could walk around in a
  • a dress and speak with a British accent whilst waiting on guests and being harrangued by his haughty manager. Fawlty Towers wasn't quite what the president expected
  • but Basil Fawlty's easygoing personality guaranteed a tranquil weekend with Donald. Trump even helped Manuel get up & collect his broken teeth, when told he wasn't really Mexican.
  • "I have a villa in Barcelona," Trump told him as he help brush Manual's shirt with his tiny hands. Trump winced and spun around when some of Manual's blood touched his hands.
  • "Forgive me!" cried Manual. Trump smoothed back his toupee. "No trouble, Manual. I love the Mexican people. I employ lots of Mexicans. And I've got no blood on my hands."


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